Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hercules (2). A relief and the gilded bronze from the Ara Maxima.

Hercules as he is usually depicted, a club in one hand and the pelt of the lion killed on the first of his twelve labors. This was perhaps the first hoody recorded in antiquity.  This relief is visible in the upper left hand corner of the Arch of the Money Changers which in turn is attached to the church of San Giorgio in Velabro directly opposite the Temple of Hercules Victor off to the left of the massive Arch of Janus. 
This twice life size  gilded bronze statue of Hercules features only his club.   It is one of several stunning pieces from antiquity housed in the Exedra of Marcus Aurelius. Originally this was the cult statue in the Ara Maxima, the Great Altar of Hercules across the street from the Temple of Hercules Victor. The Ara Maxima was incorporated into the structure of Santa Maria in Cosmedin and only a few parts of it are visible. 

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