Sunday, September 5, 2010

Two views of the Sacred Area of Largo Argentina

The direction of first view is seen from south to north standing in Via S. Nicola de' Cesarini. Visible in the left background is the facade of Teatro Argentina, site of the premiere of Rossini's opera buffa, Il barbiere di Siviglia. Notice the neatly stacked bits and pieces waiting for placement in the foreground. The second snapshot is taken from Corso Vittorio Emanuele.

The earliest construction of the Sacred Area dates from 200 BC. Additions and alterations to the area continued into the Imperial era to about 80 AD. The chronology of the four temples is unclear, as are to whom any temple is dedicated. 

This area had been built over in the medieval era and survived into the twentieth century. Two more snapshots of fragments complete this overview of an area available to all. There are even benches where many come with a lunch to enjoy the site and watch the many cats that live among the ruins.

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